Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Starting back up...

Phew, this past month has been BUSY! I had my one year wedding anniversary (does that mean I'm not a newlywed anymore??), traveled a whole bunch for work, and moved into a new apartment. November and December are going to be very low travel months, so I'm hoping to get back into a gym routine and get settled into our new place.

I'm trying to plan out our meals for each week. I tend to buy too much food, and want to try too many recipes, so I'm going to plan to have the same meals for breakfast and lunch for me and the hubs, and rotate dinner meals. This will also help me eat better, if I know that the majority of the day I have meals planned. Let's see how well it goes!

This weekend will be food shopping, so I'll post on Sunday how that goes. Until then, it's trying to get by with eating out for every meal and airport food. One good thing about flying back home on Halloween night is that I won't be buying (and subsequently eating!) any Halloween candy. I will miss seeing all the cute costumes though...especially the ones I bought for my dog :).

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